Manual guide


Interactive user interface

Parts of the model

  1. LAYOUT -the sheet contains all the required data for the calculation (Exhibition 1).
  2. REPORTS – the sheet contains basic reports (Journal entrie, impact, circles)
  3. TEMPLATE – template for the quick establishment of contracts with the possibility of future adjustment (The template builds monthly payment agreements).

The three steps of calculation

  1. Add / Update an agreement in the LAYOUT table (past from Template or manually).
  2. Run the calculation with the button in the layout sheet
  3. Update reports


  1. Journal Entries – The report shows balance fields to the end of the sliced period (Exhibition 2).
  2. Right-of-use assets, Lease liabilities – the reports show movements in Assets and Liabilities (Circle).
  3. Impact – PnL Impact by time period
  4. You can make your own reports by using fields and measures from the data model.

Add a new lease agreement

Step 1
Update values in template and copy it
Step 2
Past agreement data from the template, and run calculation
Step 3
Update the reports
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Clarifications for the model


At the end of the term of the contract, an automatic subtraction is made.
If you need to make a deduction in the middle of a period you need to do it manually by putting the deduction value into the columns: AD_Deduction, Asset_Deduction, and Liab_Other (liability part). The difference between the above fields will go into Other Expenses during the subtraction period.

Interest and present value

 To support period granularity (Years, Quarters, Months, Part of-month calculations) the interest calculations were made daily.
This is an example of interest calculation:
             Liab_Interest =Liab_Open*((1+Rate/365)^(Eomonth-OpenMonth+1)-1)

In certain cases, this may not be accurate. The calculation can be refined by replacing the simple interest rate (Rate) in the above calculation with an effective interest rate, making it suitable for different payment schedules such as monthly, quarterly, or annual.

In the model implemented straight-line method. To support the regularity of the period, the depreciation calculation is also done daily, so you will be able to see different expenses from month to month due to the different number of days in the months.
Excel formulas – A large part of the calculations are done with the help of Excel formulas, you should avoid changing these formulas. Because a table object is used, formulas are automatically filled in while adding data. if this does not happen you can copy a formula from another cell in the same column.

Run the calculation

 When you click the button ‘Run calculation’ starts running a process identical to running a macro (VBA). This process updates ‘Liab_Open’ column with relevant values. 

Essential to know some principles for working with this process:
These changes can’t be canceled with (CTR+Z) – Therefore, it is recommended to close a period for calculation by manually changing a value in column ‘PeriodStatus’ to ‘Locked ‘.
Note the date you choose from the runtime. The calculation will run for that day and ahead.
If you want to calculate a certain contract you can select it with a slicer
It is recommended to copy Excel before calculating and manage a separate file for each balance period, old files will serve as a backup.


Manual update of rates

Work with formulas

If an error occurs in the formula as a result of updating data, the results within pivot tables are dropped. In this case, you should cancel an update with CTR+Z. Then find a problem and update again.

Model restrictions

  • Spreadsheet risks – It is important to understand that alongside great flexibility there are also risks in using Excel, such as manual work, unskilled users, data errors, formula errors, and data security e.g.


Recommended controls for checking data:

  • Journal Entry summary must be 0.
  • Balance of assets, liabilities at the end of agreement have to be 0.
  • Check that you don’t have Error in cells: #VALUE!, #N/A e.g.
    • It can be done with Formula menu /error checking.
    • It can also point you to inconsistent formulas.
  • P&L impact (for all years) must be 0 (See ‘Ref’ sheet)


Exhibition 1 – the layout table
CommonAgt_IDAgreement IDThe key field for calculation, according to which this algorithm associates data with the contract
Agt_DescriptionAgreement description 
TypeYou can assign types like Rent, Car leases, and so onDoes not affect the calculation
OptionInformative field: Base agreement / OptionDoes not affect the calculation
#Key field – Payment in agreement 
TermNpvMethod to calculate a present valueSupports two values: end, begin
PeriodStatusThe closing period for NPV calculationSupports two values: Locked or blank (“”)
OpenMonthBeginning of the payment period 
EomonthEnd of the payment periodIt always has to be the end of the month
NominalPmtNominal amount before the linkage 
ind_baseBase index for linkage 
ind_currentA current index for linkage 
RateInterest rate (Annual) 
ind_linkLinkage coefficientCalculated field (excel formula)
pmt_linkedAmount to be paid linked to linkage coefficientCalculated field (excel formula)
LiabilityLiab_OpenPresent value in a periodCalculated field (DLL)
 Liab_NewNew contract amountCalculated field (excel formula)
 Liab_ChangeAmount of changes in the contract as a result of a change in linkage, interest rate, etc.Calculated field (excel formula)
 Liab_InterestInterest expenses in the periodCalculated field (excel formula)
 Liab_PmtPayment according to contract (including interest)Calculated field (excel formula)
Liab_OtherChanges in the liability (e.g. as a result of asset impairment)Calculated field (excel formula)
Liab_CloseLiability balance at the end of a periodCalculated field (excel formula)
 Assets  Asset_NewNew contract amountCalculated field (excel formula)
 Asset_ChangeAmount of changes in the contract as a result of a change in linkage, interest rate, etc.Calculated field (excel formula)
Asset_OtherChanges in the asset (e.g. as a result of asset impairment)Calculated field (excel formula)

Deduction amount.

Automatic deduction at the end of the contract, manual in the middle

Calculated field (excel formula)
Asset_CloseAssets – Closing balance at the end of a periodCalculated field (excel formula)
DepreciationDepreciation amountCalculated field (excel formula)

Accumulated depreciation-

Automatic deduction at the end of the contract, manual in the middle

Calculated field (excel formula)
AD_CloseAccumulated depreciation– Closing balance at the end of a periodCalculated field (excel formula)
NetA_OpenReduced cost – balance at the beginning of a periodCalculated field (excel formula)
NetA_CloseReduced cost – Closing balance at the end of a periodCalculated field (excel formula)
 Commentsfield for comments 
Exhibition 2– Journal Entry (JE) Example

This is a journal entry for 31 December 2022  (previous period):

The P&L impact is 332  (11,480+852-12,000=332)

To write JE for 31 March 2023 you need to write two journal entries:

  1. Cancel balance influence of the last period:
  2. Write JE for 31 March 2023